The School Goes Dark

Cathedral High School lost power Friday morning, for roughly two hours.

The AES outage map showed many affected areas.

The Indiana Applied Energy Service outage map shows that students in the Hill are in the company of smatterings across the city. Director of Marketing Mrs. Grace Trahan-Rodecap said, “There was an accident that caused a power outage for much of the Eastside of Indianapolis.” She assured that the administration is “getting updates from AES every thirty minutes to find out when they will have power restored so we’re just in a holding pattern hoping it will be sooner rather than later.”

She recommended everyone on the hill to “just try to continue the learning process as much as possible, despite the circumstances.” Some students have not had such an easy time adjusting. Freshman Quinn Feeney who was in Latin at the time said “It’s really dark in Loretto,” and that after the power went out they “just sat there on our phones.”

Molly Campbell, on the other hand, said that Science Teacher Mr. Sander, “just did class on the whiteboard.” Molly also commented, “I kind of want to go home but I don’t think we will.”

Senior Ben Jones had a somewhat bewildering morning. He said, “I was actually driving to school because I had an appointment. So, I came to school, walked into the WAC, the power was on, looked everywhere else in the school, and it was all black.”  Ben was not optimistic for the school day, saying, “If we have a full day of no power, I don’t think I’m going to get much work done. Most teachers don’t seem to be teaching.” 

In regards to lunch, Rodecap said, “The cafeteria workers are trying to ensure that we have lunch and again we’re kind of in a holding pattern and we’ll see if we have to go to ‘Plan B.’ Plan B being to “say ‘bye,’ and start your weekend.”

The religion hallway during the first blackout.

If it does come to “Plan B,” Rodecap spoke on the possibility of an e-learning day. She said, “Probably not enough time for that, that would be a lot to put on teachers at the last minute. Especially since I don’t know what the internet situation is for a lot of them if they could even push something out from here.”

She assured students, “You’re safe, you’re among your friends and your family and we’re going to ensure that you stay safe.”



In an UPDATE the power returned shortly before 11 a.m.


UPDATE: 10:57 Since publishing the lights have cycled off and then back on again.