Riley Dance Marathon Returns to the Hill
Implemented before, the marathon is returning this year, with hopes of participating in the dance next school year.
Riley Dance Marathon is a widely recognized event with great success and participation from many. This year, it will be implemented as a club in preparation for next year’s fundraiser.
Club Moderator and History teacher Mrs. Alli Carter is working alongside Senior Vice President for Mission and Advancement Mr. Dave Worland. Carter noted the assistance also from club presidents, senior Maggie Thor and Kennedy Schaefer. There will be a club meeting held with the plans for the future on Nov 30.
“Seeing the impact that Dance Marathons across the nation gave (and) raising money for treatments showed me (that) this is really impactful and drew me in more,” Carter said.
Mr. Howard Fogel previously was involved with Dance Marathon at Cathedral, but it had “dropped off for a few years.” Carter has felt personally impacted by the results of the marathon and was excited to incorporate it back into student life. All students with any interest are invited to the call out meeting in room 4104 at 8:05 a.m.
She said, “This year, it is a club but we are trying to get it off the ground running, so we decided we are not actually going to be doing the dance marathon this year, but trying to get motivation for it next year and work with the seniors this year to help the underclassmen prepare for next year.”
Students with interest or questions should contact Mrs. Carter, [email protected].

Caroline Schilling is the Megaphone Executive Editor and a Cathedran photographer. She has been on Megaphone staff since her freshman year. Caroline is...