All Saint’s Day Mass

The entire school gathered together on November 1st to celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints.

Many students enjoy sitting on the floor, while the remainder of the student body and staff sit in the bleachers to celebrate the Mass.

There are many all-school Masses throughout the year in which all students and staff can take part in, but the Mass on November 1st was a special day to celebrate their faith.

Mrs.Bozzelli-Levine, who works as the Assistant Campus Minister, said, “The Campus Ministry Department does plan all the all-school Masses including Mrs.Bender and the priest.”

The current priest, Father Emmanuel, will no longer be the priest for the school starting November ninth since he has been called for a new assignment in Rome. Father Jamy Matthew will be taking over as the school’s full-time Chaplain. And the school is always willing to welcome guest Priests to The Hill. “It does not usually happen, but when it does happen it is on very rare special occasions,” said Mrs. Bozzelli-Levine.

For example, the All Saints Day Mass was a special occasion since it was a holy day of obligation. No matter what kind of Mass is being celebrated, there is a lot of planning that needs to be done. “Usually, masses are planned about a month before. There are usually eight Masses per year at Cathedral High School and so far we have been through three Masses, so there are five Masses left in the school year. Those are five chances to take part in the liturgy committee and take part in a mass at Cathedral High School.”

Mrs.Bozzelli-Levine wishes for more students to take part in Mass in whatever way they can. They can participate by being an usher or being a reader. She also wishes for more girls who are interested in being a server at Mass to contact her. Her office is located in the SLC. There are many ways to participate in Mass, and students need to take every opportunity to be a part of an amazing experience that not many schools can offer.