Off-Campus for Philanthropy Day

Students will fulfill their philanthropy requirement by volunteering off campus on October 19th.

Cathedral student seen coloring with a kid at the Anna Brochhausen school 88.

The annual philanthropy day will take place on Oct.19 for the students who were not able to reach their fundraising goal for the Ignite the Irish student fundraiser. 

Director of philanthropic engagements Jean Smith ’97 said “last year, we did service projects here on campus and two years ago we did a writing campaign for the military and this year, we are back to going off campus.”

Just over 100 students along with the advancement team are going to Anna Brochhausen School 88 and Enlace Academy. “At Anna Brochhausen, we are teaching an anti-bullying curriculum with their elementary school students and at Enlace Academy, we will be serving as mentors,” Smith said. 

Smith said that philanthropy day really shows the character of the students. “I have had students, who reached their goal, reach out and ask if they could volunteer and we have about 5 to 10 who do that every year.” 

“It is meaningful service because we get to serve the community directly. In the past, we’ve had students connect with each other and we have heard stories about kids who want to come to Cathedral from these schools because of our visit,” Smith said.

The biggest thing that Smith wants to highlight is that it is not a punishment. “It is an alternate way to fulfill your student philanthropy requirement and we want our students to understand that giving your time and your talent is just as important as giving your treasure.”