Irish Blessings Daycare

The Irish Blessings Daycare located in the Cunningham Fine Arts Building has been open since 2018.

The daycare is a great option for staff and faculty to be near their children.

Irish Blessings makes life more convenient for staff members knowing that their children are close by. When staff  members are done working, they can go and pick up their kids instead of driving far places and wasting more gas. Irish Blessings is a permanent addition to Cathedral High School with twenty-four kids at the moment. Fifteen of those kids are children and grandchildren of Cathedral’s staff and teachers.

Anna Taul, the Director of Admissions, has two kids at Irish Blessings Daycare; her sons, John, 3, and James, 1. Taul says, “One of the Cathedral’s core values is family, and I think our commitment to providing Irish Blessings to our faculty and staff is the most beautiful representation of that core value.”

Irish Blessings would love to continue expanding the daycare with more classrooms, activities, and kids. The Daycare has nine full time staff members and five part time members working from 7:15 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. daily following Cathedral High School’s calendar. The curriculum at Irish Blessings Daycare is a play-based child curriculum with lots of playtime, crafts, and outdoor time with imported important concepts that will get the kids ready for kindergarten. This includes learning their colors, numbers, ABC’s, and much more.

Jackie White, in her first year as the director of Irish Blessings says, “Personally I’m thrilled to be here starting my first year at Cathedral, leading the Irish Blessings ministry.” White who has 15 years of experience in the early childhood education field spent 13 of those years being the director of Trojan Preschool at Bishop Chatard.

Irish Blessings Daycare would eventually like to allow  Cathedral’s high school students the ability and time to spend with the kids. The app Irish Blessings Daycare uses to keep in contact with parents of what their children are doing is called DailyConnect and the teachers will record all the big moments of the day, what time they eat, what activities they do, and take pictures to update the parents. While parents are away at work, Irish Blessings Daycare takes the time to ensure that parents are feeling less stressed knowing their children are only right next door.