It is (home)Coming…

Homecoming is fast approaching, and the student excitement is already boiling over.

The themes for this year’s Homecoming week have been set.

The highly anticipated Homecoming week is approaching here on the Hill. The dates for this year’s Homecoming week are October 3-7. The week is concluded with the school wide assembly and football game.

The themes for the week include: Movie Monday, Foodie Tuesday, Celebrity Day (Wednesday), All Out Irish (Thursday) and Class theme (Friday). These themes are chosen and voted upon by the student council. Thursday is the only day in the Homecoming week that doesn’t change themes, as it is All Out Irish themed. The class theme is voted upon by class officers, and each grade is asked to dress in their own theme on this Friday.

“I think it is a fun way to encourage students to show spirit and participate in school,” said junior class officer Julia Morrell.

Before the week starts, students are encouraged to help their class officers and classmates with decorating their designated hall. The class officers will determine a place to hold the preparations for decorating the hall. They then will send out a grade wide email to all students inviting them to come and show their school spirit. Julia Morrell, a junior class officer, is hosting the decorations this year on Sept 24 at her house. Juniors are able to look to her email with more details regarding the decorations. When the decorating is complete, the students will hang their decorations in their designated hallway which allows for class unity and socialization.

At the end of the week, the highest scoring class will win the spirit stick. They can receive points from dressing up in their themes throughout the week, showing school spirit, decorating their hallway, going to the Homecoming dance and being loud at the assembly. The winners will get the highly sought after spirit stick, which is awarded to a grade every year and is based on school spirit.