(Latin) Dance Salsas into New Direction

Senior class couples learning Dance to showcase at the homecoming assembly in October

Name or no name, traditions on the Hill march on to a new year. 

English Teacher Ms. Jennifer Neale heads what used to be known as “Latin Dance” for the second year in a row. The old name has been dropped because, as Neale said, “There’s really no Latin flair to it. If you look up ‘Latin line dance,’ it’s a lot of Salsa type dancing. I don’t know if it really falls under that category anymore.” Neale said they have not adopted a new name yet. 

Over the next four Sundays between now and Homecoming Assembly, the group will hone their skills to be ready for a performance before the entire school. There were 37 couples who showed up to the first unnamed Cathedral Homecoming dance practice last Sunday evening. The activity is largely student led. Neale said, “There are maybe 8 who have made up the dance, and then at practice go and teach everybody and it works really well.” 

Neale stressed the ability of the non-ethnically affiliated dance team to help the senior class bond. She said, “I hope that it’s one more of the activities that brings all of the seniors together and that it’s a sort of right of passage.” Neale also mentioned what a positive environment it was for the seniors involved. She said, “Everybody was helping each other. There was almost every group in the whole school represented, and they were all like ‘oh, no you do it this way’ and then they were getting into little groups and they were helping each other.” 

Neale expressed great optimism for the nominally challenged dance troupe. She said, “I think they’ll have a great performance. I hope it’s a way to bring camaraderie and the senior class together.”