Irish I Knew…Returns

Back after 3 years, students will engage in a new way of learning for one day only.

Cathedral is bringing back “Irish I Knew” Day. A day for students to sign up for new “classes” and activities they’d like to participate in for the day. This special one-day-only event will be on October 7th, the last day of Homecoming Week. It will also lead into the annual PowderPuff Football Game.

Using an app called Sched, Seniors will be getting first pick followed by juniors, then sophomores, and then freshmen. Each session will be 90 minutes followed by the usual five-minute passing period. During the third session, students will be split into two lunches, one before and one after that session. The day will end with Powderpuff and a Homecoming assembly.

Senior, Mel Sheppard, vaguely remembers the last “Irish I Knew” day. “Not very much to be honest, it was a nice experience I remember that, though.” The day gives students the opportunity to meet more people and experience new opportunities. “I liked that I got to meet more teachers and students, especially those not in our grade. I took a broadcasting class with Mrs. Mills that I did really enjoy because it was full of different learning experiences. I am honestly really excited.”

Kim Jamell, who is the student council moderator and one of the staff members organizing the event, is very excited to have the day back as well. She says, “It was very successful the first time we did it but then COVID happened. We decided to bring it back now because we thought it was the most successful thing we’ve ever done on that [Homecoming] Friday.”

Around 60 teachers have signed up to teach one of these class activities, so there will be a variety of options including Euchre, Meditation, Broadcasting, and more.