It’s Time to Ignite the Irish

The annual student fundraiser, which contributes to tuition assistance and other aspects, kicks off Sept. 1 beginning with an assembly.

At the bottom of the hill a sign can be seen letting passersby know of the fundraiser to come.

The student fundraiser, Ignite the Irish, is the main contribution towards tuition assistance and clubs and organizations. The start date for the fundraiser is Sept. 1 and will continue until Oct. 7. 

This fundraiser is ran by Director of Philanthropic Engagement  Mrs. Jean Smith  ‘97 and Director of Student Philanthropy Mr. Howard Fogel. This year, Fogel has two main goals for success. He wants to see the student body raise $170,000 which will cover tuition assistance and he wants to see the students break $300,000 which would allow for more money to go towards clubs and other activities. Each student is asked to raise $250, and when $150 is raised they are able to dress in spirit wear. 

“We have met goal every year which is huge. The second part, (is) seeing the money go back to the clubs and the sports. The whole point of this is so students don’t have to go out and raise a lot of money for things that they want to do, that’s the part that I like about it,” Fogel said. 

Students will have their own website that they are able to personalize and share in any way to meet their goals. Fogel shares that having your own link is low maintenance for the students and has had previous success. This year it is beginning with an assembly, which was a previous change due to Covid. 

“It will be nice to have an assembly again because we haven’t been able to do that for a couple of years. I think for me personally the school year has been incredible, the energy of the student body is incredible and I hope that energy translates into the fundraiser,” he said.

Students will be given their links at the beginning of the fundraiser and are able to share in their own ways. Foegl said,  “We have kind of had a two year break on a lot of things that we do. We have really had two years to reflect on what makes Cathedral a special place.”