Initial work begins on Irish Blessings playground

Facility will be located near Cunningham Hall

Caroline Schilling

Work has begun to clear space for the construction of the Irish Blessings playground this summer.

Irish Blessings, the daycare on campus for staff to utilize for their children, is adding a playground this summer.

This has been an idea for the children for a while and will be located on the east side of the Cunningham Fine Arts Building. The daycare uses several Cunningham classrooms, where the children are able to go while their parents are at work. Irish Blessings Director Ms. Jackie White said, “I think it will be amazing for the kids to be able to have a safe place to be outside. Outside play is so important for kids this age.” 

Facilities and technology coordinator Mrs. Gara Schommer said, “The delay (in starting the project) is because of (a City of Indianapolis) permit issue.” Chief Operating Officer Mr. Rolly Landeros has been communicating with Envoy Construction in hopes to get the permit approved. 

This project along with others will take place on the Hill this summer. Workers have removed trees and will do most of the work once school is out. Their goal is to have the playground finished before the beginning of the next school year. 

“Nature heals. It’s nice to be outside, for everyone, the educators that take care of the kids will be able to get a break and be outside. And for the kids it will be really beneficial for them to have a playground,” said Schommer. 

The playground itself will consist of a brick retaining wall, play equipment and more. The specifics are not known at this time, but White has passed along her suggestions for specific equipment. 

The playground is expected to be a positive addition for Irish Blessings and the children. White said, “(Irish Blessings) are in their fourth year now (and) I just started here. But as far as I can tell, they’ve been wanting a playground since the beginning.”