Spirit shop will be open during final exams

Hours of operation for summer may be adjusted, director says

Daniel Kent

A rack of new shirts is on display in the windows of the spirit shop.

With final exams just around the corner and summer break to follow, the spirit shop is making some adjustments to its hours.

Merchandising director Miss Emma Peebles said, “(The hours) will stay the same during finals week, but we’re still considering what the hours will be during the summer.” Peebles noted that the shop is leaning toward changing summer hours, as has been done in the past. 

Currently, the spirit shop is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., and Fridays from 9 a.m. to noon. Peebles said, “We’ve seen a lot of new families and students from the incoming Class of 2026, especially with different admissions events.” 

Some of those students may have the chance to be on a student review board in the fall which would be a new addition to the shop. “It would kind of function like a club, and essentially students could sign up to give input on ideas here in the shop. They could also participate by helping out,” Peebles said. Students can email Peebles for more details about the board.

The store also received new arrivals including T-shirts and pajama pants.

Peebles reminded that information and announcements about the spirit shop can be found on social media: Cathedral Spirit Shop on Facebook and Instagram. Customers can also order items for pickup or delivery at https://cathedral-spirit-shop.myshopify.com/.