Club promotes Sexual Assault Awareness Month

J-Term session spurs the growth of a new student organization

Daniel Kent

On April 25, Empowering Healthy Minds Club members worked to create ribbons to share with fellow students to spread awareness about sexual assault.

As a fairly new addition to the many organizations on the Hill, the Empowering Healthy Minds Club is already making an impact. The club educates students about healthy relationships and provides ways to cope with mental health issues.

Co-president sophomore Page Boyle, said, “I think it’s important (to share this message) because you learn life lessons that no one ever really talks about that are so crucial.” 

During the last week of April, Empowering Healthy Minds will be spreading awareness about sexual assault. On April 25, the club met to discuss consent. Boyle said, “April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and on Friday, April 29, we are planning a denim day. The whole school can wear denim or a teal shirt for sexual assault victims.” The club will also distribute teal ribbons that were made in the April 25 meeting to spread awareness. Students can wear the ribbons to show support for sexual assault victims.

Boyle said, “We hope that if anyone is part of the (sexual assault community), we can support them, and they’re seen by us — you don’t have to feel alone.” 

“(At the beginning of each meeting), we just talk and catch up, and then we’ll have a topic set for each week (to discuss and learn about),” Boyle said. She noted that there are occasionally guest speakers, too. The club has also put Post-it Notes of positive affirmations on an Shiel Student Life Center windows for students to take. 

The meeting on April 25 was just one of the many sessions the club has hosted. Originating from a J-Term course, the club meets every other Monday from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 in club moderator Ms. Irene Wilson’s room, 2316 in Loretto Hall. 

Boyle said, “Feel free to come to every meeting. We’re very welcoming, and we always have some snacks.”