Administration announces exam schedule details

For underclassmen, tests will begin May 23

Abbie Grace Tobias

The new Innovation Center provides another location on campus for students to study.

The schedule underclassmen will follow to take their second semester finals will differ slightly from what they experienced at the end of the first semester.

For freshmen, sophomores and juniors, final exams will take palace the week of May 23, according to Vice Principal for Academics Mr. Mark Matthews. Students will take two finals each day for four days. “(During) first semester some students had three finals per day and that appeared very difficult for some,” Matthews said. “In order to help students succeed, review time is built into the end of the day.

Additionally, Thursday, May 26 will be a half day with classes ending at 12:05 p.m. Matthews also said that students will be required to attend their resource during final exams.

Matthews also noted that teachers will have office hours every morning on each day of the four days of finals.

Matthews said he believes that these finals will go smoother than last semester because the maximum amount of finals per day will be two. “Our hope is that this will be way less overwhelming for students,” Matthews said.

Veteran semester exam test-takers seniors Bella LoPresti and Kylee Lucas have some helpful insight to offer students on preparation for final exams. LoPresti said, “Study more than you think you need to and make Quizlets.” Lucas said, “Create a game plan and use your resources to prepare better.”

Both seniors suggested taking final exams and studying for them seriously. LoPresti said, “I know it can be easy to want to blow off second semester finals because of how close you are to summer, but I strongly suggest focusing in and finishing out the year strong. Your final exam can really change your final grade.”