Face Off: A summer job over summer school

Avery Stuckey

After a long school year, you should take the summer off instead of enrolling in a summer school class. 

Summer is meant to provide a break from school. After 180 days of stress, assignments and studying, summer is just a little over two months to relax and get your mind off of those things and let you do what you truly enjoy.

With the hustle and bustle of the school year, students can use the summer to take advantage of different opportunities, for instance, a summer job. Students are focused on school work during the school year so while they are off they can get a job to earn some extra cash. This can help prepare students for the future.

Also over the summer students can spend more time outside rather than sit in a classroom. Getting fresh air and warm weather always makes me feel better than when I am sitting in class. 

Kids can also participate in sports. They can condition and prepare in preseason, especially if they participate in a fall sport. 

The summer also gives students the free time to travel they would not otherwise have during the school year. 

Students can also go to summer camps. I have a lot of memories that I cherish from going to summer camp. If you were enrolled in a summer school class, you wouldn’t get that opportunity. 

Summer can help students to allow them to regroup before they start a new year of school and mentally prepare for what is to come in the next year of their education. 

Summer can also provide more time to hang out with friends and family. I especially appreciate this aspect of summer. I enjoy relaxing with my friends and family because it makes me a happier person. 

Overall it seems better to take the summer off because everyone needs breaks, and even though we periodically get short vacations throughout the school year, an extended break like summer is much needed.