Seats available for fan bus to basketball Semistate

Students should check their email to access sign-up form

The Hatchet House at Washington High School will be the site of the March 19 men's basketball Semistate.

Courtesy Washington Community Schools

The Hatchet House at Washington High School will be the site of the March 19 men’s basketball Semistate.

On March 19, the men’s varsity basketball team will travel to the historic Washington High School Hatchet House gymnasium. The high school is located about 123 miles southwest of the Hill and it is about a two-hour drive down I-69. The Student Innovation Team decided that it would be best to keep students safe and take a fan bus to the game.

Basketball Head Coach Mr. Jason Delaney shares his thoughts on why students should take the fan bus. “It’s huge that the students show up to this game. The Beech Grove vs. Sullivan game is right before us. This is Beech Grove’s first time playing in the Semistate, so they’re going to have a huge crowd. Sullivan had the Regional there and they had a huge crowd. So the game before us is going to be packed. We need to make sure that our side of the gym isn’t empty.

“Every home game here on the Hill was phenomenal. I would always think about when the lights turned off in the WAC and every student’s phone light came on. I couldn’t stop thinking about how awesome that was. The Sectional student sections were amazing. The second game of the Regional was a lot of fun. It was awesome having students on the floor celebrating with us after that big win. We need that.

“The history being made in the Hatchet House is not just for the team, it’s for the fans that get to come and experience it as well. It becomes a community thing. This is part of the Cathedral experience. I think it’s important for our guys to be supported after all the work they’ve put in and because of how historic this run has been.”

Students can sign up for the fan bus by filling out a Google form that has been sent via email. At least 25 students must sign up in order to take the fan bus. The fee will be $15, which will also cover the cost of admission at the game.