American Sign Language Club to meet March 10

Students will gather after school in Mrs. Mills’ classroom

Megaphone file photo

Members of the American Sign Language Club will meet after school on March 10.

The American Sign Language Club has a meeting on March 10 from 3:15 to 4 p.m. All are invited to attend in science teacher Mrs. Sue Mills’ classroom. 

American Sign Language teacher Mrs. Stephanie Campo and Mills serve as the moderators for the club. The club usually meets once a week. During the meeting, students will use sign language to express the symbols of a game. 

Campo said, “(During) this week’s meeting, we’re going to play the game ‘Clue,’ but we’re going to do it in sign language. We are going to learn the signs for the weapons, rooms and the people and use the language to play it.” 

Campo invites students interested in the language to attend the meeting. She said, “The ASL Club is for any student interested in learning ASL. We do fun games to help learn the language. There is a lot of facial expression and body movement in the club as well.” 

She noted the importance of learning a language and to see and utilize different body parts as a form of communication. Campo said, “It helps students see a language in a different form and to help the students use their eyes to listen instead of their ears and to speak without their voice.”