ShamrAuction fundraiser meets its goal

While final figures are not in, Feb. 26 event was a success

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At the school’s main entrance, ShamrAuction attendees got the chance to post in front of a motorcycle, part of the evening’s “Top Gun” theme, on Feb. 26.

Transitioning from a virtual event last year due to Covid-19, the 45th annual ShamrAuction broke records when the event took place on campus on Feb. 26. 

With the theme being “Top Gun,” senior director of advancement Mrs. Michelle Taylor ‘01 said, “Everyone embraced the theme. We had lots of people dressed up. I think they loved the idea.” 

Some events that took place, Taylor said, included a silent auction, a jewelry dig courtesy of Metalmark Fine Jewelry, a bottle pull, an opportunity to win cash, live raffle tickets and the live auction. 

Taylor said, “We (had) 700 people in attendance. They came to eat, drink, be merry with their friends, catch up, bid on silent auction items, bid on the live auction (and) there’s dinner. We had Dueling Pianos as our entertainment and we also had My Yellow Rickshaw, which is a band that closed out the night for us.” 

Taylor said that ShamrAuction is Cathedral’s most important event, aside from admissions. It makes up a large amount of the school’s fundraising goal each year. “It’s a friend-raising event so it’s a great opportunity for those that give to come and celebrate,” Taylor said. The whole school community comes together to help for the big night.

While the directors of the event depend on a committee of parents, volunteers and alumni, students play a big part in the night as well. Students can participate, they volunteer, sing, bus tables and then become some of the recipients of the funds raised. “(The contributions) support the Cathedral family of funds, most specifically tuition assistance,” Taylor said. With one objective of the night being to raise money for students, there is always a monetary total that is hoped to be reached.

Although she does not yet know the final amount raised, Taylor said that the event definitely reached its financial goal. Taylor said, “We are just so grateful for the Cathedral community that came together in support of ShamrAuction and more importantly in support of our students. It’s always humbling to see the donations come in in advance.

“Then, also the bidding and just the excitement surrounding the event. We hit a record number of leadership level sponsors this year, which was amazing. It’s just so great to see alumni, parents, friends, past parents and community leaders investing in our school and our students.”