Social studies teachers to host forum on Ukraine

Event will take place on March 1 before school

The flag of the nation of Ukraine.

The flag of the nation of Ukraine.

In order to provide information and an opportunity for discussion, social studies teachers will host a forum on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The forum will take place March 1 from 8 to 8:45 a.m. in Room 4106, according to social studies teacher Mr. Anthony Ernst. In an email Ernst sent to students inviting them to attend, he wrote, “We think that this is worthy of your attention and look forward to an informative discussion.”

Ernst added, “We as a department wanted to offer this to students so kids could grasp the invasion and the controversy with Russia and Ukraine.” He said he and his colleagues want to correlate what students have learned in their history classes with this current event.

Ernst said, “We are all concerned, and we want to help (students) better understand this issue, especially those who are connected to it. I want students to be citizens of the world and not just citizens of the U.S.”

Ernst will be joined at the March 1 forum by all of his colleagues in the social studies department, and he noted that both students and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend.

“We will see how successful this one is,” Ernst said, “and we may offer more (of these sessions) in the future.”