Ski Club heads to Crystal Mountain

Trip to Michigan takes place on asynchronous eLearning Day

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Members of the Ski Club are headed to Michigan on Feb. 25.

The school’s Skiing and Snowboarding Club will hit the slopes at Crystal Mountain in Michigan on on Feb. 25. The six-hour trip north will begin at 4 a.m. after a bag check in front of Loretto Hall. 

Club moderator Mr. Rolly Landeros said, “This is an exciting time for the kids to look forward to a trip, and it’s a culmination of the club.”

This year is the first time that the club has gone to Crystal Mountain. Senior Eillie Heinzelman has been a part of the club for four years. She noted that this was a change from their previous trips to Boyne Mountain, Michigan. “I think people are even more excited to be somewhere new,” she wrote in an email. 

Landeros said that Crystal Mountain has 58 slopes. He also said that the venue offers more beginner slopes, but it also has advanced slopes. 

The club will take two buses filled with 40 people, in all, that will be going on the trip. Landeros said, “(We’ll) leave at 4 in the morning and then we should arrive there between 11 and 12. We hope to ski until 9 at night.” 

They plan to stop at a fast food restaurant for breakfast along the way.

As Feb. 25 is an asynchronous eLearning Day, students can complete their work on the bus or in the lodge when they arrive at the site. Senior Ayrton Houk, who will be going on the trip, wrote in an email, “(I’m looking forward to) spending time with friends on the slopes and even the bus ride.”

Landeros said that students should bring their snowboarding or skiing equipment, blankets for the bus, a pillow, additional socks, gloves, water and snacks. Additionally, they should bring their iPads to complete their eLearning work. 

Upon arrival, students will have access to the 58 different slopes and 12 lifts. A chaperone will be at the main lodge throughout the day. Heinzelman wrote, “I am most looking forward to just having a fun day with my friends.”

Houk, Heinzelman and Landeros all encourage joining the skiing and snowboarding club next year, regardless of one’s skill set. “I highly recommend Ski Club to anyone not in it already,” Houk said.