Due to fundraiser, Feb. 25 is an eLearning day

Campus will be abuzz with set up for the annual ShamrAuction

Megaphone file photo

Mrs. Michelle Taylor ’01 said she expects another successful ShamrAuction fundraiser this year.

Every year for the past 45 years, parents, past parents, alumni, staff, volunteers, community leaders and groups that partner with Cathedral High School attend the school’s largest fundraiser, ShamrAuction.

Because of the preparation time that is needed to set up for the annual event, classes will not meet on campus on Feb. 25 Instead, there will be an asynchronous eLearning day, which means teachers will post assignments on Schoology rather than meeting classes on Zoom at a specific scheduled time.  

ShamrAuction is Feb. 26, with Mass in the chapel at 4:45 p.m. and the doors opening at 5:30 p.m.

“We raise money for the Cathedral family of funds, more specifically need-based tuition assistance,” said senior director of advancement Mrs. Michelle Taylor ‘01.

Goals have been set in the past, and the tradition will continue while also trying to top last year. “Our goal is $570,000,” said Taylor. 

When planning an event like this, there are many moving parts to bring it all together in the end. “First we pick a theme. We also pick a Fund-a-Need for the year (along with) sponsorships are a large component, ticket sales, item procurement and marketing,” Taylor said. 

“The theme chosen for this year was ‘Top Gun’ specifically because  the remake was supposed to come out in November and part because of the Civil Air Patrol new course so we are finding a really cool way to engage that group. Also it fits with our technology and innovation push, so it worked really well together,” said Taylor.

“Our Fund-a-Need is really special this year. It really hits home because it will impact all Cathedral students, so we are raising the capital to do the build out for the new Cathedral coffee house, which will be student run, so it is really a unique opportunity for our kids to learn about creating and running a coffee house, schedules, responsibilities and marketing. That is something I wish I would’ve had access to in high school. There will be a surprise at the auction, (as) the naming will be announced,” Taylor said. 

One of the many parts allowing everything to fall into place is set up. “Mainly the help with the set up is our procurement team, student volunteers, lots of teams and clubs that lend their time to help everything come together, and a lot of parent volunteers and staff volunteers,” Taylor said.

When it comes to who can attend, that’s easy: everyone. “Tickets are $250 a person. They just opened up two more tables, 20 extra seats. We have sold out twice already in trying to make sure that everyone who wants to attend can attend. We have been very blessed this year,” said Taylor. 

Although there are many volunteers, students should continue to get involved. “It is a great volunteer opportunity. It is a way to give back to your school, a way to help out this is our biggest fundraising event of the year and it impacts every single student whether you receive need based tuition assistance or not by helping out with this event and the moneys that are raised it ensures that every deserving student can receive a Cathedral education, whether that’s you personally your best friend or a kid sitting across the room from you,” Taylor said. 

Taylor added her experience while volunteering as a student compared to now. “It is fun. When I was a student here at Cathedral, I volunteered for Shamrauction and it is one of those quintessential things about Cathedral that happens. It is cool to see the school transform because we will use the new dining hall and the Welch Activity Center and Kelly Hall and it will not look at all like it does on a normal day at school, so it is fun to see the production come together.” Taylor said. 

Along with the students, parents are encouraged to participate. “It is a great time to meet people and get engaged in the school you have chosen to provide an education for your kids. We always say that we are so honored that parents and students choose Cathedral to entrust us with their education, and this is a part of that whole greater education, so the giving back and volunteerism being mindful of what you have been given and what you can give back,” said Taylor. 

The auction part of Shamr”auction” includes many items to help raise the money. “Silent auction items go up on our online auction and information about the link will be sent out,” Taylor said. 

She added, “Some cool items are Klipsch home entertainment center, a grill, a really cool Gibson custom guitar embellished with Cathedral, we have a spring break trip to San Diego with a tour from a naval officer, there is jewelry which is always fun, certificates to Camp Cathedral which is great, and a hot tub.”