Coffee House Jam scheduled for Feb. 18 hosts student talent

Performers music is broadcasted the week before says Ernst

Christmas lights strung across a stage. Food and drink being served. Music playing in the background of friendly conversations. Students supporting fellow classmates and recognizing their talents.

This will be scene in the Shiel Student Life Center Feb. 18 at the annual Coffee House Jam.

Each year since 2006, the Coffee House Jam has provided a laid-back coffee house vibe.

According to senior Meghann Roessler, co-president of the Student Life Council, the feel of Coffee House is unlike any other situation a student typically experiences in the SLC. “It’s more (like) a concert,” Roessler said.

This particular sound is achieved by having students perform. According to Mr. Anthony Ernst, social studies teacher and director of student activities, each student who will perform at the event was approached by those from the Student Life Council. “Typically, Student Life Council (members) invite the performer to perform,” Ernst said.

After finding the talent, Student Life Council promotes the event and does so in many ways.

According to both Roessler and Ernst, huge posters are displayed around the school to advertise the event.

Also, according to Roessler, social media plays a role in the event’s advertisement. “(Student Life Council) promotes (Coffee House Jam) by word of mouth, social media (with) Twitter and with the class officers,” Roessler.

Another way people are encouraged to come to Coffee House is through the sound of the acts’ music being played between classes.

“(Student Life Council plays) the performers music over the PA the week before,” Ernst said.

According to Ernst, over the Coffee House Jam is in its 10th year. Over the past decade, the type of acts that are featured has progressed. “In the past it was mostly boys who had bands, but it has evolved into solo acts,” Ernst said. “And this year nearly all the acts are girls.”

According to Roessler, she hasn’t performed but has seen her friends do so. She, however, does have a favorite Coffee House memory. “Last year in the SLC that there weren’t enough chairs for everyone and you (saw) so many people coming to listen,” Roessler said.

This recollection brings about the one of the many benefits of the event: the support of students for their classmates and friends.

Roessler and Ernst both agree that students should attend the Coffee House Jam. Both said they believe that it’s a chance to see fellow classmates in a different environment.

“(Students) experience a different side of (the school) that isn’t explored as much,” Roessler said.

Both provided advice for both performers and attendees.

According to Roessler, it’s important that students who attend the event simply have fun. “Enjoy the time, enjoy your classmates performing and supporting each other,” Roessler said.

According to Ernst, he said he believes that Coffee House Jam is one of the special aspects of the school. Students are able to experience classmates doing something that they may not see inside the classroom or on a field, pitch or court.

“Performers are completely different person stage,” Ernst said. “(Performers) really knock (students’) socks off; they knock ‘em dead.”