Seniors to attend live performance at the IRT

Entire class will participate in field trip on Feb. 10

Seniors will help fill the seats of the Indiana Repertory Theatre on Feb. 10 when they see “Fahrenheit 451.”

Senior traditions are having their comeback after being affected – or totally eliminated – by Covid 19. The Senior Class will travel to the Indiana Repertory Theatre on Feb. 10, what had been an annual tradition before the pandemic.  

The seniors will see “Fahrenheit 451,” which is taught in freshman academic classes. “It is one of our Cathedral traditions to take our seniors out to a live performance. One piece of that is it’s a privilege that our seniors have earned to go as a whole class to an event. The second reason is we find that as years progress, a staggering number of students have not had the opportunity to see a live show,” said English teacher Mrs. Jennifer Shevlin, who is the primary organizer of this year’s trip.  

Several English teachers will also attend with the seniors along with librarian/media specialist Mrs. Jenny Herron. Shevlin noted how many seniors have not had the opportunity to see a live show but have seen movies. She describes the trip as “an escape from modern culture.”

Shevlin also noted that this opportunity is a tradition and a privilege for the Senior Class. This performance is also a way for the students to reinforce what they have learned in the classroom and see the drama in person. 

Shevlin said she hopes that underclassmen look forward to the excursion to the IRT. She said, “Theater is amazing. It’s good to read, but it’s really meant to be seen. It’s an art form that’s really meant to be seen live.”