Process for scheduling next year’s classes begins

Final deadline is March 25, counselor says

Megaphone file photo

Director of counseling Mrs. Gretchen Watko ’00 works in her office in Kelly Hall.

Students have begun to prepare for the 2022-2023 school year with selection of classes for next year now underway, with March 25 as the final deadline for making their choices.

During the activity period on Jan. 27, sophomores, juniors and seniors were presented with materials to help them select their classes. 

Counselor Mrs. Gretchen Watko ‘00 said,  “Students should be contacted (during the week of Jan. 31) to schedule a meeting with their counselor to discuss selections for next year.” 

There are quite a few requirements and even more options that should be considered and discussed. Course requests on PowerSchool should be filled out by Feb. 4. Grade level handouts were provided to students to help guide them. “Paper handouts were shared with students during the activity period, but there are also digital copies available,” Watko said. 

Watko said, “If students are looking to change levels, for example from academic to honors, there must be communication between the teacher and student.” A course level request form must be completed to switch levels. 

As for locking in next year’s schedules, Watko said, “After March 25, the schedules are pretty finalized, with the exception of level changes.” Level changes are an exception because the second semester may allow students to more clearly understand the proper level they should be in for the next school year. 

Watko noted that there is no guarantee that students will be able to make changes after spring break. 

Watko said, “It is important that students do their research so that they are knowledgeable about what is required and what their options are so they can make well thought out decisions. Students should utilize the time and information they have been given to make proper scheduling decisions for the upcoming school year.”