Cereal drive collection continues through Feb. 4

Donated items will be given to local shelters

Avery Stuckey

Jan. 31 was the first day math teachers accepted donations of cereal and Pop-Tarts for the food drive.

Almost everyone loves to start the morning off with breakfast, whether that is a Pop-Tart or a bowl of cereal. However, these simple foods are not available for everyone.

That is why a group of seniors decided to partner with local food pantries to supply breakfast food for the less fortunate. The food pantries include the Dayspring Center and the Holy Family Shelter, according to senior Reese Sanders, one of the food drive’s organizers.

The drive began Jan. 31, the first day students could bring in donations to their math teacher, and will continue through Feb. 4. Sanders wrote that the donations should consist of full-size boxes of cereal or eight-count boxes of Pop-Tarts.

There will be incentives for students who bring in these items, which will involve math extra credit for the third quarter. “1 box=1 point, 2 boxes=2 points,” Sanders wrote.

Sanders helped organize the drive. She wrote in an email, “I was talking with (math teacher) Mrs. (Lisa) Ford about how no students had initiated having the cereal drive this year. I got a group of friends together and we asked Mrs. Ford if we could start it.” That is why math teachers are involved in the collection process.