Twelve seniors will attend Mass with Archbishop

Covid affects tradition of having the entire class participate

Megaphone file photo

Twelve seniors will join religion teacher Mrs. Katie Lewis in attending Mass on Dec. 1 with Archbishop Charles Thompson.

In previous years, seniors accompanied by their religion teachers have attended a Mass with Archbishop Charles C. Thompson. While this tradition will continue this year, some adjustments will be made due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

At first, the decision was made for all seniors to attend. However, this has been changed. Religion teacher Mrs. Katie Lewis will accompany 12 seniors to the Mass, which will take place at St. Malachy Church in Brownsburg on Dec 1. These students that were chosen are members of the liturgy committee and will be what Lewis called the “face of Cathedral.”

Lewis notes that Masses like these bring a sense of unity among the students and the parishes. Cathedral is not an archdiocesan school, so attending a Mass with other archdiocesan schools gives the students a chance to interact with other archdiocesan schools. 

“We normally take everyone. It was canceled last year because of Covid, but every other year it has happened,” Lewis said.

Spending time with other students and schools gives students here the chance to interact and become more invoked. Lewis said, “A lot of them get to see classmates from grade school. It also represents unity among the entire diocese.”