Winter sports update: Men’s basketball

Cathedran file photo

During last year’s Sectional, senior Tayshawn Comer brings the ball up the court against Lawrence North.

Returning to this year’s men’s basketball team are three starters from last year’s squad, which lost to Lawrence North in the Sectional and finished the season with an 18-3 record. Seniors Jaxon Edwards and Tayshawn Comer, will be back, along with junior Jake Davis, who averaged nine points per game last season. Also returning are juniors Jaron Tibbs, Xavier Booker and Sincere Germany.

Upcoming games: The team will kick off their season on Nov. 23, when they travel to Gary to face Bowman Academy at 6:30 p.m. They will then play in the Ohio Valley Hoops Classic on Nov. 27, where they will take Cleveland (Ohio) St. Ignatius at 5:45 p.m. The game will be played at Mason High School Arena in Mason, Ohio. The Irish host Brebeuf in their home opener on Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m.

From Head Coach Mr. Jason Delaney: “We are extremely excited about this season because of the mixture of players that we have. We have players who want to be coached and pushed that are determined to keep the program moving towards the championship goal.”