Sophomores participate in ring and pin ceremony

Entire class meets in the Welch Activity Center

Daniel Kent

The Sophomore Class gathers in the WAC on Nov. 19 to participate in the sophomore ring and pin ceremony.

The ring ceremony took place in the Welch Activity Center on Nov. 19 during the activity period. Sophomores received their class lanyard pins and their rings if they purchased one. The ceremony is an annual tradition in which sophomores receive a one-of-a-kind class accessory.

Sophomore Class moderator and Latin teacher Mr. John Streiff ‘09 said, “We hope that it’s something (that is) unifying.” He explained that the ritual brings the whole class together, and it creates a greater sense of family.

Sophomore Charlie Rodman said, “I’m glad to know that we’re all one family.”

Streiff also explained that the event provides a way to signify the coming change of underclassmen to upperclassmen. “I want the kids to have that experience of moving up. We’re stepping up gradually,” said Streiff.

When Streiff participated in the ring ceremony as a student, he recalled that it was held on a Sunday evening with only those who bought a ring attending, but Streiff said that having the event take place during the school day with everyone is more unifying.

When he was interviewed several days before the ceremony, Streiff said, “We’ll have all of the sophomores line up alphabetically; they will process in, and we’ll start with prayer.”

Class president Will Fox began the ceremony with prayer. Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs Mr. Mark Matthews talked about how symbols can connect all members of the Sophomore Class. Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel discussed the importance of unity and how the class will create lifelong memories. The rings and pins were then blessed by Fr. Emmanuel, and class co-moderator Mr. Gary Spurgin noted that this was the first class to receive pins.

Although the ceremony was not open to parents or guardians, it was live-streamed on the “CHS Live” YouTube channel, and it can be accessed there after its streaming.