Liturgy committee seeks altar servers
Interested students should contact Mr. Cannaday
During the Sept. 15 Mass in the Welch Activity Center, servers stand before the altar.
For every school Mass, there are students who assist with the liturgy. One of these volunteer positions is an altar server.
All students are welcome to become servers. Director of campus ministry Mr. Dave Neeson said, “If people want to help serve or people want to help with the liturgy, there’s no requirements besides just wanting to help.”
Students who are interested in volunteering to be a server for school Mass should contact religion teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday at [email protected] in order to be added to the training list.
Neeson said, “The Mass is more enjoyable when you’re participating, and one way to participate is to serve.”

Ashlynn Bakemeyer is a senior and the co-editor-in-chief of the Megaphone. At Cathedral she is involved in the Best Buddies Club. Outside of school she...

I am a member of the Cathedran yearbook staff, but I also shoot photos for the newspaper. I have taken several photography classes at Cathedral. I have...