Nov. 11 is last day to donate to canned food drive

Math teachers offer extra credit for students who participate

Madeline Liter

On Nov. 9, math teacher Mr. Mike Miller accepts a donation from junior Austin Wright.

Students have until Nov. 11 between 7:30 to 8:35 a.m. to donate canned food items to local shelters.

Canned vegetables, canned fruit, canned meats and peanut butter are most needed. However, no ramen noodles, small cans of tomato paste or small cans of tomato sauce will be accepted.

In an email from Student Council co-moderator Mr. Ed Freije ‘95, he said to have a plan for bringing donations from your car to Door 1 at the Welch Activity Center.

Math teachers offer encouragement for donations.  Students can receive up to a 3% increase on their exam grades by participating. Math teacher Mrs. Shana Field said, “We found that we have a greater student involvement when we offer extra credit in math.”

Besides extra credit, the drive brings benefits to several local shelters, including the Holy Cross Catholic Outreach, St. Louis de Montfort, Providence Christo Rey High School and this school’s food pantry. Field said, “The canned food drive actually helps students in our building that have food insecurities, so we have a great impact with our students.”

Field said it also teaches students Holy Cross core values such as option for the poor and educating hearts and minds.