First school ski trip scheduled

Perfect North provides the site for skiing, snowboarding, hanging out with friends

The school ski trip will return this year on Feb. 3. The trip will last from after school to when students return Friday night around midnight. The deadline to register is Feb. 1.

This annual trip to Perfect North in Lawrenceburg provides about 50 students a night of skiing, snowboarding and hanging out with friends. While usually an hour and a half long trip on a bus may not sound ideal, this trip will be taken in a motor coach from Cavallo Bus Lines.

Prices for the trip will vary. Some factors are the lift ticket (required) and bus fare (required) along with rental of ski/snowboard and helmet. After the form for rentals has been completed and returned to Tom Dr. Greer, a liability form issued by Perfect North will also need to be completed.

After everything has been turned in, the only thing left to do is make it to the bus on time after school and have fun.