School will celebrate Mass on Nov. 1

All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation for Catholics

Cathedran file photo

The Welch Activity Center will be the site of the Irish 500 on May 20.

All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation for Catholics, will be celebrated here on the Hill on Nov 1. The entire school will gather in the Welch Activity Center at 9:50 a.m. for Mass.

Religion teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday shares the importance of celebrating holy days of obligation, especially All Saints Day, as saints show us the ways to act and to carry out our faith. He said, “I would recommend looking up the life of a saint, maybe it’s a patron saint, maybe it’s a saint that someone is fascinated by, and read some of what they have written, some of their spiritual works.”

Nov. 1 is a Day 4 but with an altered schedule. A multilingual mass will occur between F and G periods. Different languages that are taught here will be incorporated into the readings, prayers and responses. These languages include German, French, Latin and Spanish.

Efforts from campus minister Mrs. Sara Bozzelli-Levine, campus minister Mr. Dave Neeson and Cannaday help make plans for days similar to this. The choirs, under the direction of Mrs. Marian Bender, will provide music.

He advises Catholics to attend Mass on days such as All Saints Day and pray to those of influence. Cannaday said, “Never be afraid to preach the gospel, because it’s a lifestyle change for the better, to imitate the life of Christ and of the saints.”