School picture make-ups/retakes are Oct. 18

Photographers will be in the WAC lobby from 8 to 3:30

Cathedran file photo

Portraits in the freshman album in the 2021 Cathedran yearbook.

Students and staff who want a yearbook picture retake or were not able to have their picture taken on Aug. 26 or Aug. 27 should be ready to get their picture taken on Oct. 18.

Yearbook faculty moderator Mr. Tony Willis said that there were more than 80 students who could not get to the Aug. 26 and 27 picture days because they were quarantined. Willis said, “It’s very important that those students have their pictures taken on Oct. 18.” He hopes to get everyone’s picture for the yearbook.

Willis said that if a student is unable to get their picture taken, they will be listed in the yearbook with their class as not pictured. 

Retakes will take place in the Welch Activity Center lobby from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Anyone who needs their picture taken should go during a religion class or resource, and if they do not have either of those, going during lunch or before or after school would work as well. Willis said he hopes that the various time opportunities will allow everyone to get their retake. 

It is important to have all students pictured in the yearbook because it documents the school year. Willis said, “We want every member of the Cathedral family to be included in the yearbook, so please go have your picture taken.”