Senior makes the move from Alaska to Indiana

Sloan Medders adjusts to life as a Hoosier

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In Alaska’s Turnagin Pass, senior Sloan Medders stands in a field of fireweed.

Every school year, it’s not uncommon for a few students to transfer to another school and for others to join the Irish family. 

But for one senior, that move was somewhat out of the ordinary and involved a relocation of more than 3,700 miles, from Eagle River, Alaska, to her new home in Indianapolis, according to senior Sloan Medders. 

“I moved Aug. 8, 2021,” Medders said. 

Relocations include making decisions to make like housing, jobs, and especially school. However, the decision to come here was fairly simple. “The atmosphere, the college prep help, the God aspect and how God is incorporated into an every day part of our school,” Medders said about her decision to enroll at Cathedral. 

Even though the decision was made easily, the transition can still be challenging. “It has been overwhelming getting to know where all my classes are and understanding my schedule, but everybody has been super helpful, and open hearted,” Medders said 

Peers play a part but even staff members can assist in a change like this. “My teachers have been very understanding of where I am coming from, and my counselors have been super helpful,” said Medders

Her lifestyle had to change quite a lot because of the move, and the senior needed time to adjust. “Not living with my parents is a big one. Living away from home away from all my friends and family (is) kind of like starting college a year early,” Medders said. 

Because she is now living so far away from home she has more responsibilities. “I have to be holding myself accountable. My mom’s not there to tell me to do my homework and she isn’t there to wake me up in the morning, so I set my own alarm to get up, I get myself out of the door. I tell myself to do my homework (and) mostly just (have) more independence,” said Medders. 

Lifestyle was not the only thing that changed. Medders arrived during the typical Hoosier heat wave in August. “The humidity was definitely a big change (as well as) the atmosphere and who I am around and barely knowing anybody, since I came in only knowing two or three people that attended,” Medders said. 

Moving can create lots of feelings of anxiety and nervousness but also excitement. “I was excited but anxious: Excited for a new start and excited to be at Cathedral, but anxious to make new friends, to do good in all my classes, and knowing my way around the school and not getting lost,” Medders said. “It has been a really good experience, it was totally worth it. I wish I had come my junior year.”