Annual Evening of Excellence is Oct. 7

Event honors 10 who have made significant impact on school

Cathedral High School website

The annual Evening of Excellence will take place Oct. 7.

Tuition assistance is  one of the biggest fundraising campaigns on the Hill, no matter the season. Whether it is donors giving out of generosity or students creating fundraising pages, countless acts of support help fund tuition assistance and financial aid for many students.

On Oct. 7, a key fundraising event, the Evening of Excellence, will take place in the Welch Activity Center. As described on the website, this event honors members of the school community who have made significant long-standing contributions Cathedral. Each year, 10 individuals are chosen to be inducted into the Circle of Excellence, and these candidates are selected based on their substantial contributions to the school or their community.

The inductees for this year’s Circle of Excellence are Mrs. Linda Bamrick, Mr. Richard Bryant ’84, Mr. David J. Dreyer ’73, Mr. Chris Huffins ’88, Mrs. Amy Greer ’90 Merrill, Mr. Danny O’Malia ’65, Mr. Julian Peebles ’64, Mr. Lance Rhodes, Mr. Steve Schaefer ’70 and Mr. William Violet ’34.

The Evening of Excellence kicks off at 4:30 p.m. with tours of the Innovation Center that will last until 6. At 5:30, a buffet will open to guests, and at 6:15, the program will begin. Senior director of philanthropy Mrs. Abbe Ernstes said that between 300 and 500 attendees are expected at the celebration. Ernstes said the evening supports the mission of Cathedral and that the event, as she said, “honors those who have come before us and blesses those who come after us.”

While it is free to attend the event, any donations that are made will go toward the Cathedral Fund, which is the school’s fund for tuition assistance. The website states, “(The Evening of Excellence will) not only honor those who have come before us but (it) will allow us to bless those who come after us (with donations to the Fund). Donations allow Cathedral to continue to commit significantly towards tuition assistance, remain committed to investing in exceptional educators, and expect excellence both in and out of the classroom.”

Read more about the Evening of Excellence here: