Annual fundraiser heads into the final stretch

Sept. 24 is the scheduled final day of Ignite the Irish campaign

Macy Llewellyn

A sign at the bottom of the Hill promotes the Ignite the Irish fundraiser.

The Ignite the Irish Fundraiser is a crucial part of campus tradition and helps fund students’ tuition and helps with student activities. There were various changes made with Covid-19 and this new version of the fundraiser has been far more successful so far. 

The Ignite the Irish fundraiser allows students an opportunity to not only go out of uniform, but to also participate in the school’s mission. This year’s annual campaign is scheduled to end on Sept. 24. 

This year, students hit the goal in a record amount of time. “Students here at Cathedral simply care about their school, which makes it easy to hit their goals and help Cathedral,” said philanthropic engagement director Mrs. Jean Smith ‘97.

“We still have (a few) days left of the campaign and we’ve already hit our goal.” Smith said during an interview on Sept. 14. “The changes to the fundraiser, the students’ care for their school and classmates who need tuition assistance has allowed us to reach $210,000 in record time. $160,000 of that goes towards tuition assistance and the rest to our selected clubs and activities.” 

The fundraiser comes with a few perks including how much a class raises is directly correlated to spirit stick points. Also, students who reach the midway of their goal get dress down days and students who reach the full goal of $250 or beyond get a day off school. The fundraiser will collect money until the deadline of Sept. 24 “Tell students to keep hope alive, so don’t give up,” Smith said.  

Various students were curious into how this fundraiser has been more successful than ones in the past. Smith said, “More participation and ownership reaches goals sooner than selling raffle tickets.”

Giving students an opportunity for a reward and an opportunity to help their peers and their activities and gives them a reason to participate. Smith said, “Thank you to everyone who has participated so far. Do not forget that participation counts towards the goal for winning the spirit stick and keep pushing cause the more you raise the more you are going to give back.”