Member of the Class of ’14 returns to the Hill

Mr. Corsaro makes the transition from student to teacher

Macy Llewellyn

During E period on Sept. 16, Mr. Vinny Corsaro ‘14 instructs a religion course in Kelly Hall. Corsaro provided his perspective on what it’s like to return to the Hill as a teacher after graduating seven years ago.

With the first month of school complete, the year is in full swing and new teachers are settling in. Whether figuring out the rotating schedule, finding their way around campus layout or learning the names of their students, the school’s first-year teachers have had to adapt to the new environment. 

However, English and religion teacher Mr. Vinny Corsaro ‘14 has made his return to a familiar place. Corsaro has enjoyed his first few weeks back on the Hill by reuniting with former teachers, walking the halls he used to roam and sitting in his old classrooms, only this time at a teacher’s desk.

Corsaro’s seven-year absence from the Hill saw lots of changes take place. With different leadership, a modernized campus and the Innovation Center, it is no secret that there have been plenty of changes. Corsaro said, “It feels bigger and newer. They’ve been renovating a lot.” One thing that has not changed, however, is the atmosphere. “Culturally it’s been the same. We’ve always had that strong sense of family,” he added. 

Corsaro grew up attending Catholic schools, which instilled in him the value of family. That value is something he wanted to carry with him, and as a result, he has always wanted to teach. Corsaro said, “I enjoy the dynamic of teaching both religion and English, as they are both in the humanities field, and they require critical thinking and analysis. They interact well with each other.” 

Upon learning that Cathedral had an opening in his field, he applied, and, to his delight, was accepted. He said, “I saw Cathedral hiring and saw the opportunity. It seemed to work out; perfect timing.” After being hired, he is being mentored by a fellow teacher on the Hill, Ms. Laurie O’Brien. He is currently finishing his master’s degree in English as well. 

O’Brien was only one of the familiar faces Corsaro saw upon his return to the Hill. Teachers such as Mrs. Kim Jamell, Mr. Anthony Ernst and Dr. Aarti Brooks were all his previous instructors.. As a new teacher, Corsaro had a mentor to help guide him and show him the ropes. After having him in the classroom almost a decade ago, O’Brien said she was pleased to educate him on the methods of teaching here. She said, “I was very excited because he was a former student of mine. I hope to provide him with guidance and be a safety net for him.” 

Corsaro currently teaches composition, speech and one of the new religion selectives, faith and films. He can usually be found in Loretto in Room 2204 or Kelly Hall in the religion hallway.

Returning to Cathedral after seven years away has been a throwback for Corsaro, but he has enjoyed it. After a year and a half of chaotic classrooms and different learning formats having to be adapted, things are slowly returning to normalcy. With students mostly in person, a new campus to explore, and new opportunities on the horizon, there is a lot for new teachers like Corsaro to learn. 

The chance to figure out the ropes of teaching is a challenge he is ready for. He said, “It feels good to be in a classroom setting after a year of uncertainties.” The feeling of nostalgia from returning to the Hill as an educator is also something Corsaro has found to be gratifying. 

While the campus has changed, Corsaro’s favorite part has remained. He said, “The energy and the culture are the part of this school I enjoy the most.”

Editor’s note: Reporter Daniel Kent contributed to this story.