Senior Class Mass and program set for May 12
If weather permits, event will take place on the football field
If Mother Nature cooperates, the Senior Class Mass will take place on May 12 on the football field.
The annual Senior Class Mass is scheduled for May 12, but the event, like everything else this year, will be different due to Covid.
Mrs. Katie Lewis, religion teacher and class co-moderator, said “The biggest difference is being outside, just to remain Covid friendly.”
Weather permitting, all students will gather on the football field for the Mass. If it rains, seniors will congregate in the Welch Activity Center and everyone else will attend the Mass from their classrooms, similar to previous Masses this school year.
The schedule will be slightly affected by the Senior Mass. Though the Mass will take place on a Day 3 during the activity period, the classes will be rearranged. Instead of the Mass occurring after E Period in the usual activity period slot, it will happen after the alpha period class. Classes, including lunch, will be shortened by 10 minutes.
The Mass will feature performances by the concert choir and several seniors will receive awards. May crowning will also take place during this time.
The schedule for the day: Office hours, 8 to 8:45 a.m.; Alpha, 9 to 9:50 a.m.; Mass, 9:55 to 11:40 a.m., Period C and lunch, 11:45 a.m. to 1:05 p.m.; Period D, 1:10 to 2 p.m., Period E, 2:05 to 2:55 p.m.

Julia Hurley is a freshman and a reporter for the Megaphone. At Cathedral, she sings in the concert choir and plans to participate in theater. In her free...

Ashlynn Bakemeyer is a senior and the co-editor-in-chief of the Megaphone. At Cathedral she is involved in the Best Buddies Club. Outside of school she...