Officer reviews active shooter drill procedures

Additional “intruders” were used during most recent event

Ava Amos

Student Resource Officer Ms. Tabetha Emenaker works in her office.

The school resource officer provided her perspective on the recent active shooter drill and noted changes that were made for the drill on April 21.

School Resource Officer Tabetha Emenaker said, “State laws require all schools to practice at least one active intruder drill a school year, but I feel that doing it at least twice a year would be better. Other drills have to be done at least once a month unless granted not having one by the appropriate agency under specific circumstances.”

In the past few months, mass shootings have become even more frequent, making these drills vital to ensure safety. “It has always been important, but with the increase of mental health struggles, not only are the drills important, but taking progressive steps to identify potential threats by being proactive is a key part of safety and stopping the threat before it happens,” Emenaker said.

Although drills are intense and stressful, they are helpful in case of actual emergency.

Emenaker said, “Drills (result in) motor memory training of where to go and what to do once secured within your room. Doing drills also enables school and businesses to pinpoint areas of needed improvement to ensure the highest level of survival for those trying to survive an active intruder incident, and the biggest positive is having as many people survive as possible, hopefully everyone.”

Emenaker said, “I supplied Cathedral with six active intruders rather than one. This way there were intruders in each building. CHS staff has also assigned specific jobs, camera monitoring for the intruder locations, assigned school radios so staff can communicate, and I have made contact with IMPD swat team.

“I am arranging a time in which their swat team can come to Cathedral to become familiar with the geographical layout of the building(s) and outer property in the event of an active intruder.”