Here’s how you can tell your Cathedral story
Department seeks student for social media takeover
The marketing department is looking for a student to take over the school’s Instagram account for day.
The marketing department is looking for a student to showcase his or her day on campus through a social media takeover, which involves a student posting his or her day through the use of the “Stories” feature on the school’s official Instagram account.
Director of Marketing Mrs. Grace Rodecap said, “The student social media takeover is a day in which a student will post on Cathedral’s official Instagram page. The student will start in the morning and show a few shots from their classes, even changing classes and just throughout the day, showing their experiences.”
The student would have the opportunity to showcase his or her extracurricular activities and sports after school as well, giving an insider view into their team’s pregame or pre-practice routine or a club’s meeting.
Rodecap said, “My hope is that prospective families, especially prospective students, get to see what it’s like here on a typical day from a student’s point of view. It’s especially important because this year we haven’t had as many shadow visitors because of Covid. So this gives them an opportunity to see behind the scenes without coming on campus.”
She mentioned that this social media takeover has been carried out in the past as well. She said, “We’ve actually done it a few times before. (Senior) Ethan Marasco has helped us a few times, and so we wanted to open it up to even more students. We just thought it worked really well the past few times we did it, so we thought that perhaps a junior, a sophomore or a freshman would like this opportunity.”
Rodecap encouraged students to step up, saying, “Students who are interested, please apply and we can even talk to your teachers to make sure it’s OK that you have your phone out at given times during the period. It’s a way for you to show pride in your school and get other people excited about Cathedral.”
To access the form to apply, students should see Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel’s most recent email to the student body.

Jake Langdon is a member of the Class of 2021. He is a reporter and videographer. He plays running back for the varsity football team and runs hurdles...