Teachers note challenges of online instruction
Week away from the Hill is intended to decrease Covid spread
Scenes such as this one in Florida were replaced by a week of looking a computer screens during four days of online instruction.
The reason students returned virtually from spring break during the week of March 29 was to limit the spread of Covid-19, but that full online created some extra work for teachers.
According to chemistry teacher Mrs. Dawn Gilmore, who was interviewed on Zoom, this week allowed students to travel safely back from vacation. Gilmore said, “Teaching a class that requires a lot of equipment causes virtual school days to be hard.” Also according to Gilmore, she would like to be able to work with the students face to face because students learn the most effectively in the classroom.
Math teacher Mrs. Christine Koers also said that virtual learning is more of a challenge for both students and teachers. Koers said, “You kind of feel like you don’t know if your students are paying attention. You get more reaction from the students when face to face.” According to Koers, she said students are learning more face to face because students on Zoom are more hesitant to ask questions than they are in person. Koers also said when on Zoom she can tell when her students are playing video games or on their phones.
According to Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel, who responded to questions via email, the Marion County Health Department gave the best advice, that of staying away from others after spring break.
Koers said, “I just think they have a harder time staying focused, the students. In class I feel like there are less distractions and they will pay attention better.” Gilmore said being a teacher during the pandemic is challenging but she needs to be there for her students and still give them the best education possible.