Maintenance projects continue during spring break

Painting, repairing desks and changing air filters scheduled

Emma Kress

One of the maintenance crew’s many spring break projects will include work at the spirit shop entrance on the east side of Kelly Hall.

As students enjoy their time off from school, the maintenance team continues its work on campus. Facilities and technology coordinator Mrs. Gara Schommer explained different projects taking place over spring break. 

One such project includes parking lot lighting. Schommer said, “As part of our (LED) lighting project, we are replacing all of the light bulbs that are in the parking lot on the Hill in the lamp poles. The marketing department is also putting new banners on those.”

The Innovation Center construction site may also look a bit different once students return from break. Schommer said, “The construction company is tearing up a bit of the circle driveway on the way to the ramp to the spirit shop and new building because they have to change the level to meet (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance.”

The classrooms are also getting a bit of work over break, Schommer said. “All the air filters in every classroom are being changed. That’ll help with breathing and clean air. The maintenance department is also going to go through all the classrooms and (will) replace any desks and chairs that need to be fixed,” she said.  “We are painting the admissions, business and counseling (offices) and the front area (in Kelly Hall). Over at Brunette Park, technology is going to get the wifi set up.” 

Spring break gives the maintenance team an opportunity to complete projects the crew cannot typically tackle with students at school. Schommer said, “We can get in the classrooms and get a lot of stuff done.”