Senior earns top ranking in math competition

Test results show achievements for several students

Photo from website

Results of the American Mathematical Competition have been released.

In the first round of the American Mathematics Competition, several students earned recognition.

In the Junior-Senior Division, senior Isaac Michael earned first place honors among his fellow students who participated. He was followed by junior Lauren Caldwell in second and senior Eric George in third place. In the Freshman-Sophomore year division, the first-place scorer was sophomore Cade Johnston. In second and third place were sophomores Liam Eifert and Ben Jones.

Michael, reflecting on his ranking, said, “I feel good about it. I didn’t really do much to prepare except I took it the last three years. I’ve always liked math and I’ve done Math League for all four years.” He credits former math teacher Mr. Jim Nohl ’78 as a key adviser. The senior said, “My math teachers have been great mentors. Mr. Nohl especially really encouraged me to prepare for this test my sophomore year and really wanted me to do well.” 

To recognize the Irish Mathletes and their success, Principal Mrs. Julie Barthel wrote in an email, “Cathedral is so proud of and thankful to all of our AMC participants (These) students were nominated by their teachers and got up very early in early February to come in and take the test, knowing that the only rewards were the sheer thrill of competition and the joy of doing math problems.”

Barthel noted the list of participants that included Lauren Caldwell, Caroline Cline, Eric George, Liam Kelly, Isaac Michael, Taylor Prince, Allison Schneider, William Teasley, Levi Wojtalik, Phillip Bernauer, Lachlan Borders, Liam Eifert, Scott George, Rachel Claire Henry, Megan Hopes, Cade Johnston, Ben Jones, Evelyn Wagner and Andrew Whelan.