Seniors await college acceptance notifications

Several schools delay announcements due to Covid-19

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Students at Indiana University adhere to socially distancing guidelines during a chemistry class. / Photo courtesy Indiana University / Used by permission.

The term “unprecedented times” has come to define the past year plagued by Covid-19; however, it is unlikely that words could ever do the truth sufficient justice.

As the initial lockdown date approaches its one year anniversary, so much of the earlier world has been changed to accommodate the presence of the pandemic and prioritize safety in many facets of life.

The college application and decision processes for the Class of 2021 have been affected over the past 12 months. This year’s seniors have undergone a different experience than any class before them, and as it turns out, for many students it isn’t even over.

In response to Covid-19, standardized testing dates were dropped, many colleges refrained from requiring test scores, application deadlines were extended and in-person college visits were suspended, among numerous other changes.

Now, many colleges have moved their notification dates to much later than normal, leaving students anxious with anticipation for their decisions.

According to IvyWise, “The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a lot of changes to the admissions cycle this year, including extended regular decision deadlines, which might affect decision dates. In fact, the Ivy League schools have already announced they will release regular decisions April 6, almost a full week later than their usual timeline. Stanford has also pushed back their usual decision release date to April 9.” The website lists 94 schools that have pushed their notification dates back. 

Many colleges have reported record-breaking volumes of applications this year as a reason for pushing back notification dates. In times of the pandemic and with a multitude of schools dropping a test score requirement, increased numbers of students were enabled and encouraged to apply. Colleges have simply announced that they need more time, and students therefore are left with nothing more to do than wait. 

Senior Toby Bradshaw said, “I’ve already heard back from most of my colleges and I’ll probably end up going to one of the ones I’ve already heard from. The only colleges that I haven’t heard back from are my two reach schools. It’s annoying that I don’t have all the information for me to make my college decision.” 

Thankfully for Bradshaw, the later notification dates this year are not affecting him too greatly. For others, however, dreams of acceptances and fears of rejections continue to hang over their heads. Unfortunately, seniors can only wait it out and try to have patience.