Candy gram sales underway through Feb. 11

National Honor Society sponsors annual fundraiser

National Honor Society members will sell candy grams through Feb. 11.

“Candy Hearts” by Jamz196 / Licensed by Creative Cloud / Public domain

National Honor Society members will sell candy grams through Feb. 11.

Candy gram sales have become a Valentine’s Day tradition on the Hill. For several years now, students have looked forward to receiving bags full of candy from their friends and loved ones during this time of year.

National Honor Society faculty moderator Mrs. Lisa Ford detailed how candy gram sales will operate this year amidst challenges posed by Covid-19 and altered scheduling. 

Ford said that candy gram sales began Feb. 2 and continue until Feb. 11. Candy grams will be available for $1, or six for $5. This year, candy grams will be sold in the library to limit in-person contact. There, students can write a note to their intended recipient on the provided paper hearts and then place their note and their money in a collection box.

Ford says the proceeds from the candy sales go toward supporting the NHS programs and other school fundraising. She said, “Part of (the money) goes toward tuition assistance, part of it goes toward reimbursing the school for our (graduation) chords and certificates and (for) all the different materials that we use (in NHS).”

Ford also noted that part of the funds will be raised in support of senior Ethan Marasco’s volunteering effort for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. LLS is a nonprofit organization dedicated to studying blood cancers; they host an annual Student of the Year competition during which participants organize their own philanthropic campaigns to raise money for the program.

This school has had several students participate in the program. Gracie Gumino ‘19 won Indianapolis Student of the Year in 2018. Since her campaign, candy gram sales have been a popular on-campus fundraiser for students such as Marasco involved in LLS.

Ford noted that the candy, which was donated by NHS students, will be delivered to the recipient’s first period class the next morning after the candy grams are purchased. She said, “We need people to help out, (so) make somebody’s day.”