Cunningham is next up for LED installation

Courtyard ad parking lot lighting also will be updated

Andrew de las Alas

The back of what was the cafeteria last year and is classroom space this year is now illuminated by high efficient LED lights.

Blinded by the light? Certainly not. Thanks to recent light installations, students and faculty now are blanketed in an LED glow across most of the campus. 

Facilities and technology coordinator Mrs. Gara Schommer wrote in an email that the replacements are being installed “to save the school a lot of money with replacement bulb costs, manpower to replace them, (to) better for everyone’s overall health and (to) better for the environment.”

Students in Kelly and Loretto halls may have noticed brighter ceilings, but Schommer said that Cunningham has yet to be completed. Additionally, the football locker room, atrium, parts of the theater and the Mimms Gym are on track to have their lights swapped. Three offices in administration can also expect new lights soon. 

While construction may be the main focus outside, interior lights are not the only ones receiving an update. Schommer said that installation of outdoor lights will be started in mid-February.