Juniors, seniors will choose religion class electives

Upperclassmen will have options for their second semester

Megaphone file photo

Theology teacher Mr. Matt Cannaday leads a discussion in a religion class.

Students are required to take eight semesters of religion, but a change has been made to provide more variety in these courses for juniors and seniors.

Religion teacher Mrs. Katie Lewis said, “Students will probably be excited to have choices for more fun classes being offered.”

Upperclassmen can select classes based on what they want to learn. “There is room to choose courses based on their  interests,” said Lewis.

There are eight new classes being offered: Spiritual warfare/angels demons, religion in politics, faith in films, world religions, science and religion, Holy Cross servant leadership, wellspring of worship/exploring the literary and peer mentoring, Lewis said. She noted that Catholic social teaching still will be taught to first semester juniors and seniors.

Although this mostly has affected the upperclassmen, the underclassmen also experience some change. “(This will not have) much effect on their schedule, but I do think we will take things that are core in the other classes and infuse them more into the classes for the freshmen and sophomores,” said Lewis.

This change not only will affect students, but their religion teachers as well.  “I’ve always taught our Sacraments class and we will no longer have a Sacraments class,” Lewis said.

The classes being offered provide another opportunity for students to study what they are truly interested in learning. Lewis said, “Advice I’d give (students) is to know what you are passionate about and take something that interests you. Don’t necessarily follow what your friends are doing.”