Virtual activities fair scheduled for Jan. 13
Each club will provide a 10-minute informational Zoom call
The Civil Air Patrol will be one of the many clubs and organizations presenting information at the Jan. 13 virtual activities fair.
A virtual students activities fair will take place on Jan. 13 during the activity period from 12:50 to 1:50 p.m.
While the event is geared for freshmen and sophomores, upperclassmen also will get the chance to learn more about the school’s many clubs and organizations.
At 12:50 on Jan. 13, teachers will show a video that provides students with information about how to access the Zoom event. Each club and organization will have a 10-minute Zoom call available in which students can participate, so they will have the chance to get information for up to five clubs during the activities fair.
Social studies teacher Mr. Anthony Ernst, who also serves as the director of student activities, said, “This will be an excellent opportunity for our students to engage in conversations about what clubs and organizations have to offer. The activities fair provides connections so that students can then can choose to pursue further interests in this second semester.”