Teachers recall their favorite Christmas gifts

What they received as children remains a fond memory

"Wrapped Gifts"/Triviaqueen/Creative Commons Public Domain

Several educators recall their childhood memories of their favorite Christmas gift.

While children today may want electronics with screens under the tree, gifts in years past may have been a little more simple, but still much appreciated.

Several educators reflected on their favorite Christmas present they received when they were kids.

For Spanish teacher Mrs. Kim Jamell, her favorite gift was a Barbie dream boat. Although it was not a huge gift, she said it meant a lot to her. “I still loved it and appreciated it,” she said.

For some children, their favorite gifts were wrapped items, but for Spanish teacher Mrs. Rose Egan and English teacher Mrs. Mary Reasner, that wasn’t the case. Egan was given a puppy and Reasner received a kitten, both of which became long-lived family pets.  “I had her for 20 years. She was such a great cat that spent so much of my life with me,” Reasner said.

Getting an animal for Christmas is super special, and science teacher Mr. Dustin Land received something fairly larger than a cat or dog.  “A new horse,’ Land said.

Math teacher Mrs. Rachel Ludington received a bear. But not a real one. Ludington was given a stuffed bear named Rainbow Bear. “It was just a stuffed bear with different colored paws and ears, but I loved it,” said Ludington.

Gifts can range in sizes and prices, but for a child, that certain present will be remembered for the rest of their lives.