Zoom meetings help students adjust to eLearning

Barlow says sessions allow for staff to receive feedback

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Mr. Ken Barlow ’82 said more Zoom meetings will take place in order to assist students during eLearning.

Since going online in November has been a challenge academically, socially and emotionally, students and staff have found ways to make virtual learning easier.

Mr. Kenneth Barlow ’82, vice president for community relations and diversity, with the help of the counseling department, Principal Mrs,. Julie Barthel and President Dr. Robert Bridges have put together a way to check in with students.

The purpose of what has been called each “greatness is calling” meeting is to help students. “(We want) to check in and check up on students and hear how they are dealing with everything in regards to Covid, eLearning and (the) holiday blues,” Barlow said.

Another reason was to hear from students about how they have dealt with being online and what the staff can do to make learning from home easier. “We should open a forum to hear from students and how they were dealing with everything going on so we know the challenges so we can effectively address them,” said Barlow.

Many positives have come out of two meetings that have already have taken place. “Some students that have been virtual all first semester shared that it’s easier for them now that everyone is virtual and everyone’s in the same boat,” said Barlow.

The first meetings consisted of listening and getting to know everyone’s challenges. The second meeting provided a way to see how things have changed since the first meeting. Barlow said, “The first meeting was a listening session to understand what students were personally dealing with and the second was a follow up.”

A challenge many students faced was being able to meet without sports or extracurriculars. Barlow said, “Some students were having issues connecting with clubs and extracurricular activities.”

Because of the success of the first two meetings, there are plans for more to take place. “At the moment the plan is to meet two weeks from (the first of December). Students felt like a two-week check in or two times a month was good,” Barlow said. Students should check their school email for information from Barlow that will include Zoom meeting details.

Although going online was not ideal, adjustments are being made. Barlow said, “The biggest thing is that students are aware that we are here to help.”