Low reflects on her successful coaching career

Men’s volleyball mentor is a Hall of Fame inductee

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Men’s volleyball Head Coach Ms. Rhonda Low was inducted into the Indiana High School Volleyball Coaches Hall of Fame on Nov. 9, 2013 at the Horizon Convention Center in Muncie. Low will step away from coaching this year after a long and successful career.

After coaching for 30 years on the Hill, Ms. Rhonda Low, former men’s volleyball head coach and assistant women’s coach, has made the decision to step down in this role but will remain as a teacher. 

In 1994, she started what would soon become the most successful men’s volleyball program in Indiana. Low mentioned her nine State championships, countless Indiana all stars and all-Americans. But Low said she most enjoys seeing how her alumni have turned out. “The success of the kids is always my focus,” she said. “We have alumni that are coaching college, playing internationally, and have won national tournaments.” 

In her time at the school, Low not only has established the program on the Hill, but helped influence teams around the state. “It is cool to see that the state programs are pretty well established now,” she said. Her work has helped her be inducted into the Indiana Hall of Fame

While nine State championships is a major accomplishment, Low valued the relationships she has created the most. “Developing friendships with the players has been special. It is nice to be able to have an activity that can give boys a doorway to the rest of the world,” she said. 

Low credits her success to the people around her. “The volleyball family has been so helpful. Without it the program would not be what it is today,” she said. Low also mentioned how helpful the school has been in allowing the team, which is not sanctioned by the Indiana High School Athletic Association, to use the facilities. 

Her decision to step down came from her physical health. Low has battled cancer successfully twice and wants to do everything she can to avoid a third encounter. She said, “I stepped away because my physical health did not allow me to be at the level I needed to be.”

The new head coach, Mr. Tyler McClure ‘08, will be a great fit, according to Low. During his playing career, McClure led his team to undefeated seasons with Low’s guidance. Low said, “The program is in a great place, so this is the perfect time to step down.”

As for her future, Low plans to focus on her health and some other interests such as developing her farm. She also plans to stay involved both locally and nationally with volleyball, as she is a member of multiple state and national committees.

But her time at the school is not over, as she plans to keep teaching on the Hill for several more years. 

Low said she hopes the men’s volleyball program will continue to grow in the coming years. “This is a place for guys to come and become fulfilled, accepted and wanted,” she said. “It is not for everybody, but it is open for anyone who wants to come.”

“Thank you to all the kids for playing and building a great foundation for our future,” she said. When the program began, Low mentioned that only eight young men were playing. Now there are three teams. She said, “Thanks to those around me that pushed me to grow the program into the three levels which made it possible to be more impactful.”